American White Pelicans. Graceful in Water. Majestic in the Air.

The White Pelican: A Majestic Glider with a Gulp of Steel
Soar through the skies with us and meet the magnificent White Pelican, a bird that blends beauty with brawn. Imagine a creature with a wingspan wider than a car, a bill that could swallow a whole loaf of bread, and a grace that belies its impressive size. That's the White Pelican for you – a true giant of the avian world.
Winging Wonders:
These feathered snowdrifts are masters of the air. Their massive wings, reaching up to nine feet, propel them effortlessly across vast distances. Watch them soar in perfect formation, catching thermals that send them gliding for miles with barely a beat of their wings. They're living paragliders, demonstrating the beauty and efficiency of flight.
Fishing Formation:
But White Pelicans aren't just pretty faces (or beaks). They're expert aquatic hunters. Forget the solitary fishing rod – these birds work together in a symphony of cooperation. Picture a line of pelicans splashing gracefully across a lake, herding fish towards the shallows. Then, with a coordinated plunge (or sometimes a hilarious tip-up like an oversized duck!), they scoop up their prey with their enormous bills. It's a display of teamwork that's both impressive and strangely delightful.
Built for the Buffet:
Speaking of bills, let's talk about the pelican's most iconic feature. That pouch hanging beneath their lower beak isn't just for show. It's a stretchy marvel that can hold up to three gallons of water – enough to fill a large fishbowl! But wait, there's more! This pouch acts like a net, straining out the water while keeping the fish trapped inside. Talk about a built-in buffet bag!
Family First:
White Pelicans are devoted parents. They build their nests on islands or secluded shorelines, creating a bustling city of feathery activity. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and feeding the chicks regurgitated fish soup – a nutritious (if slightly messy) way to raise the next generation of aerial gliders.
Friendly Giants:
Despite their imposing size, White Pelicans are generally gentle giants. They coexist peacefully with other waterbirds and add a touch of majesty to any lake or coastline they grace.
If you see a White Pelican soaring overhead, remember the incredible facts you've learned:
These birds are some of the largest in North America.
They're masters of cooperative hunting, working together to catch fish.
Their unique bills are both tools and a symbol of their impressive feeding abilities.
White Pelicans are devoted parents and raise their young in bustling colonies.
They're a majestic addition to any ecosystem they inhabit.
So keep your eyes peeled, and you might just spot this magnificent bird – a living testament to the power, beauty, and ingenuity of nature.
While paddling on the water, they rest, groom, communicate, and scoop fish courtesy of their huge beak. Some adult birds consume more than 4 pounds of food a day. They winter on the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coasts from central California and Florida south to Panama. Some winter along the Mississippi River. These large birds arrive on the breeding grounds in March or April; nesting starts between early April and early June. I've observed eleven (11) American White Pelicans, land on, and take off from, a water body less than a quarter (1/4) acre in size.